CIN/FCRN: U66990GJ1983PTC006075

Under process of striking off

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State Name
Registration Date
05 Apr, 1983
Listing Status

Company Overview

KUNAVARSHI ISPAT PRIVATE LIMITED, an Indian-registered company, is currently Under process of striking off.

Incorporated on 05 Apr, 1983 , it operates in the Insurance sector.

The company, with CIN/FCRN U66990GJ1983PTC006075, is registered under the jurisdiction of ROC Ahmedabad. It is categorized as a Company limited by shares and sub-categorized as a Non-government company. This Business is currently under class Private company, with an authorized capital of ₹17600000 and a paid-up capital of ₹6546900.

The registered office is located at OPP ASHISH CINEMA, MALHOTRA STAFF QUARTERS, MALHOTRA ROAD, ODHAVNA-AHMEDABAD-Gujarat-382415-India. This company's listing status is Unlisted, and it is classified as an Indian company.

How to read or parse a CIN/FCRN number to identify company details?

Corporate Identity Number (CIN) Breakdown

The Corporate Identity Number (CIN) is a special code assigned to every registered company in India. This code provides a quick way to understand key information about a company. By reading each part of the CIN, you can find out the company's type (like Private or Government-owned), the industry it belongs to, the state where it was registered, the year it was set up, its ownership type, and a unique registration number.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) assigns this code, making it easy for anyone to get a quick overview of a company's details.

Understanding the components of CIN: U66990GJ1983PTC006075

U 66990 GJ 1983 PTC 006075
U Company Type
66990 Industry Code
GJ State Code
1983 Registration Year
PTC Ownership
006075 Registration Number

Company Type & Industry

Company Type: Unlisted Public Company
Industry Code: 66990

Location & Registration

State: Gujarat
Incorporation Year: 1983

Additional Details

Ownership Type: Private Limited Company
Registration Number: 006075

Company Information

CIN U66990GJ1983PTC006075
Registrar of Company (ROC) ROC Ahmedabad
Category Company limited by shares
Sub Category Non-government company
Ownership Structure Private

Financial Information

Authorized Capital ₹17600000
Paid-up Capital ₹6546900
Registration Date 05 Apr, 1983
Is this company Listed on Stock Exchange? Unlisted
Status Under process of striking off

Additional Details

State Name Gujarat
Indian/Foreign Company Indian
NIC Code 66990
Industrial Classification Insurance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

"Active" indicates that the company is currently operational and conducting business activities. It is registered and in compliance with all required legal and financial regulations.

The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to companies in India by the Registrar of Companies (ROC). It helps to identify and track the company, providing essential details about its registration, type, and nature of business.

KUNAVARSHI ISPAT PRIVATE LIMITED was established on 1983-04-05. As of today, the company is 41 years , 8 months , and 22 days old. The exact age is calculated by comparing the establishment date with the current date.

Authorized capital is the maximum amount of share capital that a company is allowed to issue to shareholders. Paid-up capital is the actual amount of money that shareholders have paid in exchange for shares. It represents the amount invested by the shareholders in the company.

You can find the contact details such as phone number or email address in the "Company Information" section. If the information is not available, you may visit the company's official website or use the "Contact Business" button to get in touch.

A company is classified as an "Indian Company" if it is incorporated and registered in India under Indian laws. A "Foreign Company" refers to a company that is registered outside of India but may have a branch or representative office in India.

"Listing Status" indicates whether the company's shares are listed on a stock exchange. If a company is listed, its shares are available for trading on the stock market. An "Unlisted" status means that the company's shares are not traded publicly.

The business information is regularly updated based on official records and data from the Ministry Of Corporate Affairs (MCA). However, we recommend contacting the company directly for the most up-to-date information.

Currently, the information provided on our platform is sourced from public records and official data. If you find any discrepancies or outdated information, please use the "Report Incorrect Information" link to notify us, and we will review the details.

The NIC (National Industrial Classification) code is a system used to classify the nature of the company's business activities. It helps categorize companies into specific industries or sectors for statistical and economic analysis.